Step by Step - How to create a c++ library with NDK on Android Studio 1.5 (not experimental way)

1. Configure JDK, NDK path environments

I'm using jdk 1.8.0_65 and ndk-bundle. We can use the official ndk also.

Let's see!

2. Add javah, ndk-build as External Tools

(Menu Location is 'Settings > Tools > External Tools')

2-1. Configure javah

Let's see!

2-2. Configure ndk-build

Let's see!

2-3. Configure ndk-build clean

Let's see!

3. Create a new Android Studio Project

Let's see!

4. Add a java class for JNI

Let's see!

5. Create a folder for JNI

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_36_30

6. Configure build.gradle

android {
  defaultConfig {
    ndk {
      moduleName "your dllname"

    sourceSets.main {
      jni.srcDirs = []
      jniLibs.srcDir "src/main/libs"

7. First Build

We will encounter an error like 'Error: NDK integration is deprecated in the current plugin. blah blah'.

Because we are not using the experimental class for NDK.

Let's add one line in ''.


And build again, it must be succeeded.

8. Create a JNI header file

Use 'NDK external tools - javah'

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_40_32

Then we will have a JNI header file.

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_41_07

9. Create a C++ source file

We don't need to check "Create associated header".

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_42_13

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_42_26

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_43_55

10. Create some MakeFiles

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_44_24

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_44_37

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_45_44

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_46_24

11. Build Our NDK Library

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_51_28


12. Let's Use Our NDK Library Function


13. Final Build and Create APK

After build, We must have our library in the APK.

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_54_57

screenshot from 2015-12-03 15_55_12

14. Let's Enjoy NDK :)

Written on December 3, 2015